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Tier 1 Immigration

Your Tier 1 Application and Interview Process

At Dragon Mall, our experts hold a strong and successful track record of advising entrepreneurs and high net-worth individuals on their immigration to the UK, helping to identify your precise business needs and aspirations.

We offer an effective, fast-track solution; organising your visa application and assisting you with the creation of your business plan, to ensure your application process is successful.

We promise a smooth, reliable and quick application process, with dedicated legal professionals on-hand to guide you through each step of your immigration process and business development.

Dragon Mall applicants

Additional Information

To qualify for application to the Dragon Mall scheme, each applicant will require a provisional amount of £300k, to invest in the business project. You will then need to participate in a Tier 1 Entrepreneur Interview, which will cover all of the below areas.

This initial stage of the interview will aim to examine your Resume (CV), identifying areas in which you may need to elaborate or expand, in line with your specific business plans. This will include:

  • Your relevant experience and any previous roles relating to your planned business venture. Explanation of how your experience will support your business proposal and implementations.
  • Your qualifications and how these will complement your business ideas. Consider both experience related skills as well as technical skills, and others with direct relevance.

Here, you will need to explain your reasons for embarking on a business venture within the United Kingdom.

You’ll be asked questions such as;

  • Why have you chosen the UK to set-up your business? Did you consider any alternative countries?
  • Why have you chosen to pursue this business area in particular?
  • What research have you conducted on your business idea, to date?
  • What have you done so far in regard to business set-up? Is your company registered?
  • Do you have any professional advisers? What are their roles?

This is where you bring your business idea to life. You’ll be expected to know your plan inside-out.

Our qualified team will draft your own tailored business plan, which will help to strengthen and support your application – and will cover the following points:

  • Is anyone else involved in your business? What are their roles and contribution to the company?
  • Will you be employing any staff? What will their role(s) be? How much do you plan to pay them?
  • Do you have a marketing strategy?
  • What are your financial projections (for years 1, 2, 3 etc.)?
  • What market research have you conducted?
  • What competition is there in the market for your type of business?

All of these points will be addressed and covered in your Business Plan.

The UK Home Office will also want to gain an understanding of your previous movements and activities.

You will be asked questions, such as:

  • Why/if you have been to the UK previously?
  • Have you considered alternative entry routes to Tier 1; such as extending a current visa?
  • What have you done since your last leave in the UK?
  • Do you have any relatives living in the UK?
  • Will you want to secure eventual settlement in the UK?

How to Apply

For more information on how to apply, or for further advice, please fill in your details below and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.

    Applying to Dragon Mall