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Why Choose Us

Business with Dragon Mall

Dragon Mall offers a unique, once in a lifetime business opportunity, and immigration scheme into the UK. Our tailor-made business package provides complete support and guidance across all aspects of your immigration and business set-up process; from your Tier 1 application, to your business plan, development, set-up and relocation. Our dedicated lawyers assist you each step of the way to ensure a smooth, reliable and successful transition to the UK.

Long term retail lease

What’s Included?


  • A unique business opportunity into a viable business which meets the criteria set by UK Government, for entry via the Tier 1 Investors’s Visa.
  • Tier 1 Written Application assistance from a qualified legal professional.
  • Bespoke Business Plan individually tailored to your business aspirations and business plans, to support & strengthen your application.
  • Personal Legal Representation from a qualified professional, dedicated to assisting you with UK Home Office telephone or face-to-face interviews.
  • Business Set-up assistance with the physical fit and installation of your retail unit, storage of inventory, market analysis into your chosen field of business. Guidance with setting up your retail point of sale, accounting system and IT requirements.
  • Relocation Service to help you settle into UK life. From the initial move, to sourcing schools and suitable accommodation for all family members.
  • Ongoing Support of your business, covering tax and visa compliancy, audits and periodic reporting to UK Home Office, beyond initial set-up and establishment.

 UK Retail Opportunity


The UK is a world leader in retailing and sales, with 90% of shopping mall shop owners reporting year on year profitability, consecutively over the last decade. With a proven business format, customer footfall is assured. So why else is the UK the perfect setting to begin your business venture?


  • The Economy the UK remains resilient despite uncertain times; with a 5.6% increase in retail sales growth reported last year (2016-17)
  • Strong Growth it is one of the fastest growing economies in Europe
  • Easy to Operate the UK welcomes business with its low business taxes
  • The UK Consumer British consumers are renowned for their love of shopping; always happy to buy into new and interesting products
  • Booming e-Commerce world leaders in online sales, which is boosting the demand for new products, opening up huge market potential
  • Thriving Independents small, entrepreneurial businesses continue to flourish in the UK, with growing community support